How to serve Malbec Wine at the right temperature?

serving malbec wine

Now is the moment to enjoy Malbec. But how to drink Malbec wine? Although Malbec is a versatile and charming wine, it’s key to adapt it to the situation.

Pay close attention to the right temperature every time you serve Malbec. Don’t let this little detail spoils that special evening! So, we’re going to explain to you how to do it like an expert and avoid awkward situations.

Generally, red wines serve at a higher temperature than other wines because low temperatures increase astringency, whereas high temperatures let you feel tasting notes intensely.

Take your time

The best thing you can do is to be patient. Anxiety and wine aren’t best friends. It’s not a good idea to buy a Malbec a little while before you’re going to drink it. You had better prepare your Malbec a couple of days before, leaving it in a vertical position at the table you’re going to serve it. So the wine will adapt to the room conditions.

Never serve Malbec cold.

serving Malbec

As we told you before, if you want to experience the best as you drink Malbec wine, avoid low temperatures. Malbec wine has volatile components, which give the wine its particular fragrance and flavour. If the temperature is too cold, these components won’t release. However, never be tempted to heat wine to raise the temperature (for example by placing your Malbec close to a radiator). This can damage the flavours of the wine. Instead, place it in the room where it will be served and allow the temperature to rise naturally.

But don’t serve Malbec too hot either.

Pay attention to the temperature of your room. The ideal temperature to drink Malbec is about 16°C-17°C (61°F-63°F). The wine begins to damage at a temperature of about  21°C (70°F). If the wine stays for many hours at high temperatures, tannins and acidity become in the first place, and fruit flavours become less perceptible. In other words, if the temperature is higher than adequate, the volatile aromas evaporate completely.

What is the best way to cold your Malbec?

never serve malbec cold

At first, never place your Malbec in the freezer. Do not think about adding ice in glasses either. All this may spoil Malbec.  What should you do then?  You can place Malbec in the fridge for 20 minutes. But if you are in an urgency, there is another trick that could work. Take a metallic bowl; fill it with cold water, ice cubes, three salt spoonfuls and immerse your wine inside. Salt lowers the freezing temperature of the water, so our wine could be at the right temperature in 15 minutes.

And the best way to warm up your Malbec?

On the contrary, if the wine is too cold, you’ll have to warm Malbec up. In this case, serve a glass of wine and cup it in your hands. The heat from your hands will warm the wine up.

Finally, you can use a thermometer.

Maybe it’s not the poshest, but at least until you become a wine expert, you may use a thermometer. There are special thermometers you can use to control the temperature of your wine.

serving malbec

And lastly, there is a simple rule to follow in the case of red wines: the lighter the body, the lower the serving temperature.

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